said nothing|say nothing in English

did not say anything at all; let things go, let matters slide, turned the other cheek

Use "said nothing|say nothing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "said nothing|say nothing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "said nothing|say nothing", or refer to the context using the word "said nothing|say nothing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Nothing ventured, nothing ventured, I say.

2. 'I have nothing to say to you,' she said icily.

3. I'll say nothing.

4. And when I say nothing, I do mean nothing.

5. Nothing else to say'?

6. I will say nothing.

7. There's nothing to say.

8. Nothing more to say

9. There's nothing more to say.

10. There's nothing else to say.

11. Sam shrugged and said nothing.

12. Nothing more need be said.

13. Nothing they say could faze him.

14. There's really nothing left to say.

15. It seemed politic to say nothing.

16. I have nothing more to say.

17. He shrugged helplessly and said nothing.

18. He said nothing but looked Abashed

19. She said nothing regarding your request.

20. He said nothing but looked abashed.

21. 'Thanks for nothing,' she said acidly.

22. Nothing we can say will stop him.

23. You can have nothing further to say.

24. They said nothing terribly adventuresome, you understand.

25. 6 She smiled serenely and said nothing.